Category: 2018 World Trip

Top 10 Tips for Visiting Ghana

I spent two and a half weeks in Ghana with my girlfriend who studied abroad there while in College. We visited both the Northern and the Southern parts of the country. We stayed in hotels, hostels, guest houses and even stayed with a local friend. I ate all kinds of food and met so many…

By Alan Evans September 23, 2018 0

Back in the USA!

After just over over 3 months of traveling our trip has come to an end and we are back in California. We landed late Thursday night and after a 35 hour travel day and I have still not quite adjusted back to a normal schedule. Once I catch up on some sleep and the reality…

By Alan Evans June 18, 2018 0

Our Coastal Road Trip in Southern Portugal – Sagres, Lagos, and The Longest Natural Park Name in History (Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina)

After our time in Lisbon we rented another manual car and headed south to make our way through the Alentejo coastal natural park. (I tried to rent an automatic smart car, aka basically a clown car, but had EuroCar cancel our reservation the night before 🤨, so back to shifting our way through the country-side…

By Alan Evans May 25, 2018 0