Today Is Alexa’s Birthday!

Today Is Alexa’s Birthday!

November 6, 2018 0 By Alan Evans

As many of you know I recently joined Amazon as a Knowledge Engineer in Santa Barbara and I am working on making Alexa smarter. It is pretty awesome working on a cutting edge product that is so customer facing and well known by friends and family. I have only been here a month, but I have already been exposed to so many new technologies and I have learned so much.

I am excited to start combining my newfound Engineering skills with my Finance and Accounting background to help make Alexa smarter in these domains. My goal is to greatly expand her feature set to better serve business and finance minded folks.

When I arrived at work this morning I found out today is Alexa's 4th birthday and to celebrate Amazon is selling all its echo products at a pretty great discount. News of great deals travel fast in our office.

If you are interested in taking the plunge and adding one of these cool devices to your home, today is the day to buy one! I already bought another echo dot this morning for our kitchen!

If you get one let me know what you think and what cool questions you are asking that are not yet being answered! Especially if you have any cool ideas for potential answer sets in my business and finance domain.


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