We made it safe to Ghana

March 16, 2018 3 By Alan Evans

We made it to Ghana yesterday after a long trip from Dubai. Our flight was delayed by two hours and then was diverted to Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire before finally arriving in Accra, Ghana much later than planned.

(Sahara desert)

We took a taxi ride across Accra to the Achimota part of the the city where our AirBnb is. Our ride across the city was a good intro to Ghana as we passed through both business and residential parts of the city.

It is amazing that all along the roads there are little roadside "stalls" selling everything from snacks, to furniture, to construction supplies and even live animals. There are also people walking along the highway and roads when traffic slows to sell water and food to the cars.

We arrived to our house after dark, and were greeted by the nicest host. David had waited 4 hours for us to arrive and let us in! He was kind enough to put cold waters in our fridge and guide us to a nice restaurant to get some food. But we were so pooped from our long travel day we could hardly eat. Also we ordered a fried fish dish that we expected to be more like fish sticks but was in fact a whole fish, skin bones, eyes and all.

While I was worried that the heat and humidity might hinder sleep, I was so tired from our long day I found no trouble quickly passing out on our first night in Africa. I was glad to have made it here safe and have a nice place to rest for a couple nights before we head to Tamale and Mole (places in northern Ghana, not Mexican dishes) tomorrow morning after spending today visiting the University where Alena studied abroad in college.

(Alena at her old dorm)

It was a great day walking around the school and eating lots of different local dishes. We met up with Aunty Rose who is the director of the UC exchange program with the University of Ghana. She was so sweet and helpful and gave us the nicest gifts when we arrived. Along with some much needed advice for our travels to Mole.

We spent the evening dinking Ghana beers and eating chicken and jollof rice at a local restaurant a short walk from our house.

(Local brewskis)

It has been a great first night and day in Ghana and I am so excited for the rest of our time here. Next up the Northern Region and elephants!

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