The plan…so far

March 8, 2018 0 By Alan Evans

As I am sure most of you know our trip abroad is not planned out in detail. This is on purpose as we want to leave room for new places, friends and experiences that can not possibly be preconceived.

Thus, we have only created a general idea of the places we want to go and planned only the beginning of our trip.

The Plan:

Sunday, March 11th

We fly out of SFO @ 4:40 on Emirates. Non-stop 15 hour and 45 min flight to Dubai! By far the longest flight I’ve ever taken.

We are staying in Dubai for 2 days to explore the city and relax. Plan to spend on a day on the beach and another day seeing the sights

Wednesday, March 14th

We leave Dubai to fly to Accra, Ghana again on Emirates, again a long flight.

We will only spend a day in the capital of Ghana before taking short flight to the north of the country landing in Tamale on Saturday the 17th. We plan to hop on a trotro and head straight to Mole National park! We will be in Mole National Park for a few days to explore the park and see elephants!!!

We will be up north for a few days after leaving Mole to visit some really old mosques and maybe some hippos before flying back to Accra.

From the 22nd to the first of April we will be in the greater Accra region. This is where Alena spent much of here time there in college. She is excited to show me her old stomping grounds and I’m pumped to have such an awesome tour guide!

Sunday, April 1st

We will end the African portion of our trip and head to Amsterdam for about a week. Once we arrive our plans are TBD with Alena again serving as my tour guide!

At some point we plan to see France, Italy, Greece and Portugal as well.

That’s as far as we know so far.

Can’t wait to set sail on this adventure and let our trip fall into place!